As a majority of employees have voted in favour of the Agreement, Catholic Education Tasmania will now lodge the Agreement with the Fair Work Commission for approval. It is anticipated that the Agreement will be approved in mid-late March 2025.
The current Agreement is available for download below:
Catholic Education Tasmania provides student focused, Christ centred learning for life for over 17,000 Tasmanian students.
We seek people who are passionate about what they do: whether they are based in one of our 38 schools and colleges or in one of our four administrative offices statewide.
Catholic Education Tasmania currently employs over 4,000 staff across Tasmania. If you would like to work with us to provide the best outcomes for our students you can view our current opportunities online.
Catholic Education Tasmania runs an extensive professional learning calendar designed to provide teachers and support staff with ongoing professional development and formation opportunities.
Scholarships may be available from time to time for targeted professional learning.
Our Leadership Continuum targets specific development opportunities for early career teachers through to Principals.
All employees in Catholic Education Tasmania have access to qualified counsellors through the confidential Employee Assistance Program.
All staff are required to hold current Working with Vulnerable People registration.
All non-teaching employees and nominated volunteers within Catholic schools are required to take part in the Police Check process. Police checks are conducted every three years (maximum) or as required by changes in job/task responsibilities.
Download the Police Check Application Form
All teachers need to hold, at a minimum, a four-year Bachelor of Education and be registered through the Teachers Registration Board Tasmania. Teachers must be registered before they can commence employment in an ongoing, replacement, limited tenure or relief position.
All staff are required to meet the Accreditation status appropriate to their position. To teach Religious Education in a Catholic school requires a commitment from teachers to work towards achieving the requirements for Full Accreditation C. The details of the pathways available to achieve Full Accreditiation C are available in the Pathways section of our website.
An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a service available to all Tasmanian Catholic Education Employees.
Through access to qualified counsellors, staff have the opportunity to identify problems and find ways of resolving them.
The EAP is provided by external services that offer counselling to employees of a number of organisations.
All counsellors employed by EAP service providers are qualified and experienced.